Day 1 - June 10, 2015
10:00 AM - 10:05 AM |
Welcome Note By:
Ms. Ritu Marya, Editor-in-Chief, Franchise India Holdings Ltd.
10:05 AM - 10:15 AM |
10:15 AM - 11:15 AM |
Inaugural Session:
Creating a Competitive, Yet Co-Operative, Knowledgeable & Skilled Society
Opening Note : Mr. Amit Gupta, Director & Secretary, Global Knowledge Network Society & Chairman - Education Committee, PHD Chamber of Commerce & Industry
Special Address: Mr. Dilip Chenoy, Managing Director & CEO, National Skill Development Corporation(NSDC)
Industry Address: Mr. Om Pathak, Founder & Chairman, Delhi Public School Society, Ghaziabad & SelaQui International School
Chief Guest Keynote Address: Honourable Prof. (Dr.) Ram Shankar Katheria , Minister of State, HRD (Higher Education), Govt. of India
11:15 AM - 11:30 AM |
11:30 AM - 11:40 AM |
How Technology Can Be A Game Changer for The Education, To Achieve the innovation much better
Mr. Rajiv Arora, Director, Product- Marketing, Education & Compete Business Strategist, Microsoft Corporation (India) Ltd.
11:40 Am - 12:40 PM |
Session 1: Skill Development - The Need of The Hour
Session Moderator: Mr. Ranjan Choudhury, Principal-Investing & Incentivising, National Skill Development Corporation(NSDC)
Mr. Ganesh Natarajan, Vice Chairman & CEO, Zensar Technologies
Dr. Amanda Day Counsellor-Education, Australian High Commission
Ms. Eika Banerjee, Chief Executive Officer, Future Learning
Mr. Roy Newey, Non-Executive Director, Pitman Training Group
Mr. Ashish S Kulkarni, Chairman, FICCI Animation and Gaming Forum & MCCIA Animation & Gaming Committee
Mr. Srish Agarwal, Founder & CEO, TESTOFY
12:40 PM - 1:40 PM |
Session 2: Building Future Schools Today
Session Chair: Mr. Prabhat Jain, Director, Pathways World School
Mr. Ryan Pinto, Chief Executive Officer, Ryan International Group of Institutions
Mr. Sooraj Ramachandran, Director, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Middle East
Mr. Rustom Kerawalla, Chairman & MD, VIBGYOR High Group of Schools
Mr. Pramod Sharma, Director & Principal, Genesis Gloobal School
Mrs. Lata Vaidyanathan, Director, TERI Parkriti School
Ms. Ekta Sodha, Chief Executive Officer, Sodha Schools
Mr. Vineet Whig, Chief Operating Officer, Encyclopedia Britannica-South Asia
Mr. Ravi Shankar, CEO & Chairman, BrainSTARS Services Pvt. Ltd.
Dr. Bindu Rana, Director- Research & Development, Educomp Solutions Ltd.
1:40 PM - 2:40 PM |
2:40 PM - 2:50 PM |
FUTURE OF LEARNING- Is Pedagogical innovation effective?
Ms. Vijayshree P S, Head-Strategy, BrainSTARS Services Pvt. Ltd.
2:50 PM - 3:30 PM |
Session 3: Investment Opportunities in India's Education Space
Session Moderator: Mr. Anand Sudarshan, Founder & Director, Sylvant Advisors Pvt. Ltd.
Mr. Vijay Shukla, Managing Partner, Eduvisors
Mr. Imran Jafar, Partner, Gaja Capital Partners
Ms. Prachi Windlass, Director-India Education, Michael and Susan Dell Foundation (MSDF)
Mr. Sanjay Bansal, Founder & Managing Director, Aurum Equity Partners LLP
Ms. Neha Grover, Vice President, Baring Private Equity Partners (India) Pvt. Ltd.
Mr. Avinash Mishra, Sr. Portfolio Associate, Acumen Fund, India
Mr. Rajiv Handa, Chief Executive Officer, Franchise India Brands
3:30 PM - 3:45 PM |
Trends in Digital: Impact on Education
Mr. Siddharth Garg, Strategic Partner Manager, Google India
3:45 PM - 4:45 PM |
Session 4: Digitisation of Education
Session Moderator: Mr. Utkarsh Lokesh, Chief Executive Officer & Editor, EdTechReview
Mr. Ishan Gupta, CEO, EduKart
Mr. Sanjay Purohit, Managing Director, iProf
Mr. Beas Dev Ralhan, Chief Executive Officer, Next Education Ltd.
Mr. Anirudh Gupta, Chief Executive Officer, DCM Group of Institutions
Mr. Milind Kamat, Executive Vice President- Sales, TechProcess Payment Services Ltd.
Dr. Vinnie Jauhari, Director-Education Advocacy, Microsoft Corporation India Ltd.
Mr. Rakesh Yadav, Chief Operating Officer, AdGlobal 360 India Pvt. Ltd.
4:45 PM - 5:00 PM |
5:00 PM - 6:00 PM |
Session 5: Corporate Social Responsibility in Education
Validectory Keynote: Ms. Kiran Bedi, Founder, Navjyoti & India Vision Foundation
Session Moderator: Dr. Jatinder Singh, Senior Secretary-CSR, Innovation, Education & Skill Development, PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Mr. Rajiv Mishra, Vice President-Media, Samsung India
Ms. Mamta Saikia, Vice President & Head- Development & Alliances, Bharti Foundation
Mr. Amod K Kanth, General Secretary, Prayas
Ms. Neelima Khetan, Director- CSR & Sustainability, Coco Cola India
Ms. Karuna Shriram, Chairperson, Bansi Dhar School, Kota
Ms. Neetu Joshi Sharma, Executive Director, NavJyoti Foundation
6:45 PM - 7:30 PM Onwards |
Closing of Day 1 & Indian Education Awards Night