Arvind Chinchure Chair Professor of Innovation & Entrepreneurship
Aravind Chinchure is a Ph. D. in Physics with 25 years of experience in education, R & D, innovation, technology management, intellectual property, startup venture investment, policy, and social development. He is an inventor, innovator, worked with Indian and global research organizations, and large multi-national& Indian companies. He is currently aChair Professor of Innovation and Entrepreneurship at the Symbiosis International University, Pune, India, where he successfully designed India’s first 2-year full-time residential MBA course on Innovation & Entrepreneurship. He is also an International Expert on Innovation and IPat the World Bank funded project in Bangladesh, where he is working with academia and industry to create innovation culture through various interventions in Bangladesh. Previously, he was working as “Asst. Vice President – Innovations” at Reliance Innovation Leadership Centre (RILC), Pune headed by a global innovation thought leader Dr. R.A. Mashelkar. Prior to joining RILC, he has worked at Honeywell Technology Solutions, Bangalore, General Electric (GE) Global Research Centre, Bangalore, KammerlinghOnnes Laboratory, Netherlands, and Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR), Mumbai. He was a visiting scholar and professionalat the University of Oxford, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Southampton University, UK, Institute of Applied Physics (IAPD), Dresden, Max-Plank Institute, Stuttgart & Dresden,Fraunhofer Institute, Leipzig,Hamburg Technical University, Hamburg, Germany, Paul Scherer Institute (PSI) Zurich, Maastricht University, Netherlands, European Institute of Asian Studies, Brussels, and MIT, USA. He is recipient of international fellowships from European Union, Dutch Academy of Sciences, Max-Plank Institute, TIFR and Department of Science & Technology (India). Currently, he is working with leading universities and organizations based in USA, Hollandand Germany on developing new models of innovation for emerging markets.
Aravind has received Innovation Excellence Award from Indira International for his contribution in spreading awareness on innovation across India. He is a regular speaker at various events in India and abroadon the topic related to innovation, intellectual property, technology management and R&D. He has authored 28 research articles published in international journals in the area of condensed matter physics and has filed 4 patents as lead and co-inventor in different geographies including US, Europe, Japan in the area of fuel cells.
You can find more details at http://www.aravindchinchure.com